The UMR NeuroDiderot of the Robert Debré Hospital provides the scientific community with three platforms dedicated to the analysis of neuroinflammatory processes, the in vivo study of rodent models at birth and the modelling of human neurodevelopment using organoids.
NEUROINFLAMMATION : The platform for the study of neuroinflammation integrates a comprehensive set of technologies and expertise dedicated to the analysis of neuroinflammatory processes, such as the analysis of microglial activation, cell sorting from rodent brains, the study of peripheral inflammatory processes and the analysis of neuroprotective properties of molecules.
NemoClinics : This platform provides new methods for the in vivo study of rodent models at birth and enables the application of a new methodology for screening drug candidates.
NeoVent, an original device for the detection of central and obstructive apnoea in newborn mice from the NemoClinics platform.